

  • 作者: 周冠皓
  • 发布时间:2024-09-07








1. 性格特点




2. 事业运势




3. 感情运势




4. 健康运势



5. 大运流年





Jin Chen's Bazi Chart: What It Reveals About Her

Jin Chen, born on September 5, 1990, is a Chinese actress and dancer. Her Bazi chart, also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny, is a traditional Chinese method of divination that can provide insights into a person's life and destiny.

Birth Chart:

Year: Geng Wu (Metal Horse)

Month: Xin Wei (Metal Sheep)

Day: Ren Wu (Water Horse)

Hour: Yi Wei (Wood Sheep)

Element Analysis:

Jin Chen's chart is dominated by the Metal element, which represents strength, determination, and ambition. The presence of two Metal elements in the Year and Month pillars suggests that she is a highly driven and focused individual.

YinYang Balance:

The chart is evenly balanced between Yin and Yang energies, indicating that Jin Chen is a wellrounded person with a harmonious personality. The Yin elements (Water and Wood) represent flexibility, creativity, and intuition, while the Yang elements (Metal and Fire) represent assertiveness, leadership, and action.

Ten Gods Analysis:

Direct Officer (DO): Strong DO in the Day pillar indicates that Jin Chen is a responsible and disciplined person. She is likely to be successful in her career and have a strong sense of duty.

Indirect Wealth (IW): IW in the Month pillar suggests that Jin Chen has a talent for making money and managing finances. She is likely to be financially secure and have a comfortable lifestyle.

Hurting Officer (HO): HO in the Hour pillar indicates that Jin Chen is creative and expressive. She may have a talent for the arts or writing.

Seven Killings (7K): 7K in the Year pillar suggests that Jin Chen is a strong and independent person. She is not afraid to take risks and pursue her goals.

Overall Interpretation:

Jin Chen's Bazi chart reveals that she is a highly driven and ambitious individual with a strong sense of duty. She is likely to be successful in her career and have a comfortable lifestyle. Her creative and expressive nature may lead her to pursue a career in the arts or writing. However, she may also face challenges related to her strong personality and independence.


Jin Chen's Bazi Chart: What It Reveals About Her

Jin Chen, born on September 5, 1990, is a Chinese actress and dancer. Her Bazi chart, also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny, is a traditional Chinese astrology chart that can provide insights into her personality, life path, and potential.

The Four Pillars of Destiny

The Bazi chart is based on the year, month, day, and hour of a person's birth. Each pillar represents a different aspect of life:

Year Pillar: Represents the parents, childhood, and early life.

Month Pillar: Represents the siblings, friends, and social life.

Day Pillar: Represents the self, personality, and career.

Hour Pillar: Represents the spouse, children, and later life.

Jin Chen's Bazi Chart

Jin Chen's Bazi chart is as follows:

Year Pillar: Geng Wu (Metal Horse)

Month Pillar: Gui You (Water Rooster)

Day Pillar: Ren Xu (Water Dog)

Hour Pillar: Yi Wei (Wood Sheep)

Personality Traits

The Day Pillar, Ren Xu, reveals Jin Chen's personality traits. Ren represents water, which is associated with intelligence, creativity, and adaptability. Xu represents the dog, which is known for its loyalty, protectiveness, and intuition.

This combination suggests that Jin Chen is a highly intelligent and creative individual with a strong sense of loyalty and protectiveness. She is likely to be a good friend and a supportive partner.

Career Path

The Hour Pillar, Yi Wei, provides insights into Jin Chen's career path. Yi represents wood, which is associated with growth, creativity, and communication. Wei represents the sheep, which is known for its gentleness and artistic nature.

This combination suggests that Jin Chen is wellsuited for a career in the arts or entertainment industry. She is likely to be successful in roles that require creativity, communication skills, and a gentle touch.

Life Path

The overall balance of the Bazi chart indicates Jin Chen's life path. The chart is dominated by water and wood elements, which suggests that she is likely to experience a life filled with creativity, adaptability, and emotional depth.

However, the presence of the Metal Horse in the Year Pillar indicates that she may face some challenges in her early life. The Metal Horse represents strength and determination, but it can also be associated with obstacles and setbacks.


Jin Chen's Bazi chart reveals a complex and multifaceted personality. She is intelligent, creative, loyal, and protective. Her career path is likely to be successful in the arts or entertainment industry. While she may face some challenges in her early life, her overall life path is likely to be filled with creativity, adaptability, and emotional depth.











