

  • 作者: 周承
  • 发布时间:2024-04-29



| 生肖 | 相冲 | 相合 |


| 鼠 | 马 | 牛、猴 |

| 牛 | 羊 | 虎、蛇 |

| 虎 | 猴 | 猪、马 |

| 兔 | 鸡 | 羊、狗 |

| 龙 | 狗 | 鼠、牛 |

| 蛇 | 猪 | 龙、鸡 |

| 马 | 鼠 | 虎、兔 |

| 羊 | 牛 | 兔、马 |

| 猴 | 虎 | 龙、蛇 |

| 鸡 | 兔 | 蛇、牛 |

| 狗 | 龙 | 羊、猪 |

| 猪 | 蛇 | 虎、兔 |



| 生肖 | 冲 | 合 | 刑 | 害 | 穿 |


| 鼠 | 马 | 牛 | 鸡 | 羊 | 虎 |

| 牛 | 羊 | 鼠 | 兔 | 马 | 猴 |

| 虎 | 猴 | 猪 | 蛇 | 鸡 | 鼠 |

| 兔 | 鸡 | 羊 | 马 | 虎 | 牛 |

| 龙 | 狗 | 鼠 | 猴 | 猪 | 鸡 |

| 蛇 | 猪 | 龙 | 虎 | 牛 | 猴 |

| 马 | 鼠 | 兔 | 羊 | 鸡 | 猪 |

| 羊 | 牛 | 马 | 猴 | 虎 | 龙 |

| 猴 | 虎 | 蛇 | 鼠 | 龙 | 蛇 |

| 鸡 | 兔 | 龙 | 猪 | 蛇 | 虎 |

| 狗 | 龙 | 蛇 | 鼠 | 牛 | 猴 |

| 猪 | 蛇 | 马 | 牛 | 羊 | 龙 |




(Image of the Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Chart)

Description of the Image:

The image depicts a circular chart with twelve sectors, each representing one of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. The sectors are arranged in a clockwise direction, starting with Rat in the upper left corner and ending with Pig in the lower right corner.

Within each sector, there are two smaller symbols:

Upper symbol: Represents the animal associated with the sector.

Lower symbol: Indicates the Chinese character for the animal.

The chart also includes lines connecting certain sectors. These lines show which animals are compatible and which animals are in conflict.


Animals connected by solid lines are considered compatible. These animals are believed to have harmonious relationships and can work well together.


Animals connected by dashed lines are considered to be in conflict. These animals are believed to have opposing personalities and may clash or have difficulty getting along.

Additional Features:

The chart also includes the following information:

Chinese characters: The Chinese character for each animal is written below the animal's symbol.

Element: The element associated with each animal is indicated by a color within the sector.

Yin/Yang: The yin/yang balance of each animal is indicated by a symbol in the center of the sector.

Note: The specific compatibility relationships shown in the chart may vary slightly depending on the source. This chart provides a general overview of the Chinese Zodiac compatibility system.