张泽华盲派八字 🐧 讲义「张泽华盲派八字讲义图片」
- 作者: 李运川
- 发布时间:2025-02-05
1、张泽华 🌾 盲派八字讲义
张泽华盲派八 🐼 字讲义
第 🌳 一章:盲 🌸 派八字的渊源
盲派的起源 🐅 和发展
盲派八字的基本 🕷 特点 🌳
第二 💮 章:八字的 🦍 基础 🐵 知识
命局的组成:五行 🐒 、十、神四柱
八 🕸 字 🦅 的用法:查旺衰、定格局
第三章:八 🐋 字的五行生克
生 🐈 克制化的原理 🦅
五行 🐬 相克的化解 🌻
第四章:十 🌳 神的含义
十 🍁 神在命局中的作用
十 🦋 神之间 🌸 的关 🐯 系
第五章:四柱的格局 🦄
格局的分 🍀 类:从 🐞 格、杀格、财格等
格局与命运的 🐬 关 🐼 联
第六章:八字预测的 🐶 人 🐋 生
事 🌸 业:官杀、财 💮 星的组合
财运财:星、印星的组合 🌸
感 ☘ 情:桃花、婚姻宫的组合
第 💐 七章:八 🐡 字的应期 🌳
大运和 🐯 流 🐯 年的影响
应期 🦍 吉凶 🐠 的判断 🌹
第八章 🌵 八:字的 🐎 断 🕊 语
八字断 🐈 语的技巧
八字断语的 🌻 常 🐺 用语
第九章 🐳 :盲 🌹 派八字的案例分析
实战 ☘ 案例的应用 🌵
八 🐟 字判断吉凶的 🦊 实例
第十章 🌵 :盲派八字的自我修炼
八 🐱 字学习 🦍 的方 🐘 法
八字 🐦 预测的心得 🦟 体会 🦍
2、张泽华盲派八 🕸 字讲义图片
Teacher: Zhang Zhenhua
1/1Study Notes
What is Bazi?
Bazi is a technique to predict one’s fate. It uses the person’s birthday (date and time) + the Yinyang Wuxing theories and the indepth analyses of the heavenly stems and earthly branches to establish a chart that describes the person’s life and destiny.
YY is represented by heavenly stems (10)
WW is represented by earthly branches (12)
How is the Bazi determined?
Bazi is determined by the heavenly stems and earthly branches (the Celestial Stems and the Earthly Branches). The heavenly stems are the 10 names connected to YY: Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui. The earthly branches are the 12 animals connected to WW: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai.
Seasonal Column: It’s the month column. E.g. the 7th month comes under Chen.
Day Column: It’s the day column. E.g. they were born on the 12th day of the month, which comes under “Zi”.
Year Column: The column of the year. E.g. if you were born in 1986, the year pillar is Bingyin and hence the year pillar of Bing is 陽 🦈 , Xin is 陰.
Time Column: It’s the time column. E.g. for someone that was born in the 申 🍀 时 🍀 , the hour column is “Shen”.
The Four Columns: These are the combination of seasonal column, day column, year column, and time column. Together they form the Bazi.
Heavenly Stems Yang: Jia, Bing, Wu, Geng, Ren
Heavenly Stems Yin: Yi, Ding, Ji, Xin, Gui
Earthly Branches Yang: Zi, Chen, Wu, Shen, Xu
Earthly Branches Yin: Chou, Yin, Mao, Si, Wei, You, Hai
The Relationship between Earthly Branches and Objects
Rat > Water
Ox > Earth
Tiger > Wood
Rabbit > Wood
Dragon > Earth
Snake > Fire
Horse > Fire
Sheep > Earth
Monkey > Metal
Rooster > Metal
Dog > Earth
Pig > Water
The Relationship between YY and WW
The Heavenly Stems will directly affect the strength of the Earthly Branches. But they don’t have any direct relation.
How to use Bazi?
The method to use Bazi is:
Make the Bazi chart
Analyze the Bazi chart
Predict one’s fate
The Use of heavenly stems in Bazi
The heavenly stems will be used to describe the 10 Gods. These 10 Gods have 5 elements and 5 types. That is, wooden stem, metal head, water head, etc.
The five elements
Wuxing are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. These five elements are continuously generating and restraining each other. Thus we have the relationship of:
1. Generation: Wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, water generates wood.
2. Constraining: Wood constrains earth, earth constrains water, water constrains fire, fire constrains metal, metal constrains wood.
3. Overcoming: Wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, water overcomes fire, fire overcomes metal, metal overcomes wood.
The Influence of Heavenly Stems on Earthly Branches
The heavenly stems can directly affect the earthly branches. And they can also affect the strength of the earthly branches.
The 10 Gods
The 10 Gods are the 5 elements + 5 types. They are:
1. Heavenly Stem of Day Master (self)
2. Heavenly Stem of Month (wealth)
3. Heavenly Stem of Year (career)
4. Heavenly Stem of Hour (child)
5. Heavenly Stem of House of Month (status)
6. Heavenly Stem of House of Year (spouse)
7. Heavenly Stem of House of Hour (brother)
8. Heavenly Stem of House of Day (parents)
9. Heavenly Stem of Graves (benevolence)
10. Heavenly Stem of Prison (career)
Based on the heavenly stems and earthly branches, we can conclude one’s destiny.
The Relationship between Bazi and Destiny
Bazi can be used to predict a person’s destiny. It is based on the theory of five elements and the heavenly stems and earthly branches. We can predict one’s wealth, career, marriage, health, children, and other aspects of life.
The Top 3 Points to Note
1. The first thing to note is the heavenly stem of day master. This is the most important factor in Bazi. It can represent the person's personality, character, and overall luck.
2. The second thing to note is the five elements in the Bazi. The five elements are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. They can represent the person's health, wealth, career, marriage, and other aspects of life.
3. The third thing to note is the heavenly stems and earthly branches in the Bazi. The heavenly stems and earthly branches can represent the person's luck in different periods of time.
By understanding these three points, you can learn how to use Bazi to predict your destiny.
How to Read a Bazi Chart
The Bazi chart is a square with four columns. Each column represents one of the four pillars of destiny: year, month, day, and hour. The heavenly stems are listed on the top of the chart, and the earthly branches are listed on the bottom.
The heavenly stems are the yang elements, and the earthly branches are the yin elements. The five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water) are represented by the heavenly stems and earthly branches.
The heavenly stems and earthly branches in the Bazi chart can be used to determine a person's personality, strengths, weaknesses, and overall luck.
The following are some of the things that you can learn from a Bazi chart:
1. Your personality and character
2. Your strengths and weaknesses
3. Your overall luck
4. Your career prospects
5. Your marriage prospects
6. Your health prospects
7. Your children's prospects
8. Your wealth prospects
The Bazi chart is a powerful tool that can be used to gain insight into your life and destiny. If you are interested in learning more about Bazi, there are many resources available online and in libraries.
What is the use of Bazi?
Bazi is a useful tool that can be used to:
1. Predict one's destiny
2. Make informed decisions
3. Avoid bad luck
4. Improve one's luck
5. Improve one's life quality
Bazi is a valuable tool that can be used to improve your life. If you are interested in learning more about Bazi, there are many resources available online and in libraries.

3、张泽华盲派八字教学 🐞 笔记
盲派八 🦁 字教学笔记 张泽华
盲派八字 🌷 起源于 🌲 清末,由盲人术士金日照 🐵 创立。
以盲人 🦉 特有的对事物敏锐的感受力,通,过触 🐝 觉和听觉深刻掌握八字精髓。
注重身弱身 🐈 旺、刑、冲合化旺衰流转等概念,以求预测人生吉凶祸福。
基本概念一、身强身 🦄 弱
日主旺 🦉 盛为身强日主,虚弱为身弱 🐯 。
判断依据:日主日干、月、令、生扶力 🐧 量克制力量。
二、刑冲 🌳 合 🐈 化 🦢
刑:天地相克,如辰 🦈 戌 🕸 刑、丑 🦢 未邢。
冲 🌷 :隔空相 🐈 冲,如子午冲、寅申冲。
合:五 🐧 行相合,如甲己合、乙庚合 🐵 。
化:五行 🦉 相化,如己土化合水、木火相生化木。
三、旺 🌷 衰流 🦆 转 🌵
四柱八字气 🌷 场的衰旺变化。
大 🐵 运、流年影响着旺衰流转。
旺极生衰 🌴 衰极生旺,周,而 🐴 复始。
八字排法根据出生年月日時,排定 🍀 天干地支。
地 🦟 支顺序:子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥 🌳 。
天干顺 🦍 序:甲、乙、丙 💐 、丁、戊、己 🐶 、庚、辛、壬、癸。
四柱分析年柱:代 🍀 表祖先、根 🐳 基。
月 🐛 柱:代表父母、兄弟 🐠 姐妹。
日柱 🐺 :代表本 🐋 人、配偶 🦆 。
时柱 🌿 :代表子女、晚年 🐝 。
旺衰补救根据八字旺衰,用神补 🐴 救。
身旺喜 🦊 泄 🌹 身、弱喜扶。
通过 🦄 五行相生 🐦 相克、刑 🌻 冲合化补救命理缺陷。
实例分析实例一 🐘 :身旺财弱,可,用泄比生扶化木生财。
实例二:身弱官旺,可,用比肩扶 🦍 身 🐕 化官生 🐬 印。
盲派八 🍀 字博大精深,掌,握,其核心 🌻 概念和分析方法有助于深入理解八字精髓为人生 🌼 吉凶趋吉避凶提供指引。
4、张 🦋 泽华 🦋 盲派命理基础知识
张泽 🌹 华盲派命 🐱 理基础知识 🦟
一、八字 🐠 的基 🕊 础知识
八字:由出生年月日时推算出的四个柱,每个柱,包含天干 🌺 和地支共八 🦢 个字。
天干 🐡 :甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸。
地支:子、丑、寅、卯、辰 🐵 、巳、午、未、申、酉 🌾 、戌 🦢 、亥。
二、盲 🕊 派的十大 🦄 干 🐞 支
子 🍁 :水 🐠 、北 🌴
丑 🐺 :土、东北
寅:木 🦅 、东
卯:木 🐈 、东南 💐
辰:土、南 🦊
巳:火、西南 🌷
午 🌾 :火 🌸 、西 🌹
未:土、西北 🐳
申:金 🐎 、西 🦄
酉:金、南 🦈
戌:土 🐺 、东 🐴 北 🐺
亥:水 🐒 、北 🐒
三、八 🌲 字十神 🦍
比肩、劫财:与日主 🐴 同五行。
正 🌾 印、偏印:生 🦈 扶日主 🦄 。
正官、偏官(七杀 🕊 ):克 🌲 制日主。
食神、伤官:泄耗日 🦟 主。
正财、偏财:克制日主,并为日 🌴 主 🌿 所用。
四 🐛 、五行生 🐯 克制化 🦉
相生:木生火火 🐞 生、土、土生、金、金生水水生木。
相克 🐴 :木 🐘 克土土克、水、水克、火、火克金金克木。
相 🌳 合:子丑 🐺 合、寅、亥合 💮 、卯、戌合、辰酉合巳申合午未合。
相冲:子午冲 🐴 、丑、未冲、寅、申冲、卯酉冲辰戌 🐝 冲 🐯 巳亥冲。
五、格 🐝 局 🌹 判断
身强格局 🐳 :日主旺 🌲 ,比 🌵 劫、印,星多克制官杀有力。
身弱格局:日主弱,官杀、财,星多克制身旺 🦢 无力。
特殊格局:七杀格、正、官格 🦄 、伤、官 🕸 格食神格财 🐳 格等。
六、用神 🕷 忌神
用神 🐅 :对日主有利 🌾 的神煞 🦢 。
忌神:对 🐎 日主 🐯 有 🦟 害的神煞。
七、断 🐳 命 🕊 要诀 🐧
看日元日:主是八字的中 🐞 心。
看五行:日主与 🐈 其他五行之间的生克制化关系。
看 🐅 格局:八字的整体组合 🐎 是否形成吉凶格局。
看用神:找出八字中 🌵 的用神和忌神。
看 🐳 大运大运:是八字推运的重要依据,会 🐧 影响八字 🦄 的吉凶。
八、盲 🐎 派命理口 🦟 诀
日元旺衰看四柱,生旺扶 💮 抑体用神。
用神忌神需辨明,五行生克运势 🌴 临 🦍 。
财官印食伤劫 🐼 刃,格局 🐺 吉凶定乾坤。
大运流年 🦍 喜忌换,吉凶祸福见分明。