

  • 作者: 周承
  • 发布时间:2024-04-29



1. 八字格局


2. 用神取用


3. 五行生克


4. 流年大运


5. 伤官论命


6. 八字合婚




丁未 癸巳 甲午 庚戌



With any picture showing eight Chinese characters in a 2x4 grid, we can attempt a bazi analysis.

![ 八字解析图片]()

Without the exact time of birth, which produces the fourth row, and without the exact location of birth, which produces the fifth row, we cannot do a complete Four Pillars analysis. The following is a basic interpretation based on what we can see.

Year Pillar: 戊午 (Wu Wu Earth Horse)

Wu Wu represents the element of Earth, which is associated with stability, reliability, and practicality. Wu Wu is also a selfpenalty, meaning the person may be prone to selfcriticism and doubt. 戊 is the element of Earth, and it is also the Heavenly Stem of the year pillar. Therefore, Wu, as Earth, can represent the person himself.

Year Pillar personality: The person is likely to be practical, downtoearth, and ambitious. They may be stubborn and set in their ways, but they are also reliable and hardworking.

Year Pillar luck: The person may have a stable and prosperous life, but they may also experience some challenges due to their selfcriticism.

Month Pillar: 辛卯 (Xin Mao Metal Rabbit)

Xin Mao represents the element of Metal, which is associated with strength, determination, and courage. 辛 is the element of Metal, and it is also the Heavenly Stem of the month pillar. Therefore, Xin, as Metal, can represent the person himself.

Month Pillar personality: The person is likely to be strongwilled, independent, and ambitious. They may be blunt and outspoken, but they are also loyal and protective of those they care about.

Month Pillar luck: The person may have a successful career and achieve great things, but they may also experience some challenges due to their outspoken nature.

Day Pillar: 癸巳 (Gui Si Water Snake)

Gui Si represents the element of Water, which is associated with emotion, intuition, and creativity. 癸 is the element of Water, and it is also the Heavenly Stem of the day pillar. Therefore, Gui, as Water, can represent the person himself.

Day Pillar personality: The person is likely to be emotional, intuitive, and creative. They may be sensitive and caring, but they can also be moody and unpredictable.

Day Pillar luck: The person may have a successful career in the arts or other creative fields, but they may also experience some challenges due to their emotional nature.

Hour Pillar: 乙酉 (Yi You Wood Rooster)

Yi You represents the element of Wood, which is associated with growth, new beginnings, and vitality. 乙 is the element of Wood, and it is also the Heavenly Stem of the day pillar. Therefore, Yi, as Wood, can represent the person himself.

Hour Pillar personality: The person is likely to be ambitious, optimistic, and full of new ideas. They may be impulsive and outspoken, but they are also loyal and supportive of their friends and family.

Hour Pillar luck: The person may have a successful career in business or other entrepreneurial endeavors, but they may also experience some challenges due to their impulsive nature.













