

  • 作者: 周翰煜
  • 发布时间:2024-09-21







Is Steve Jobs' Success Related to His Bazi Destiny Chart?


Steve Jobs' Success: Is His Bazi Chart a Factor?

Steve Jobs, the cofounder of Apple Inc., was a visionary entrepreneur who revolutionized the technology industry. His success has been attributed to various factors, including his leadership skills, innovative ideas, and relentless pursuit of excellence. However, some people believe that his Bazi chart, a form of Chinese astrology, also played a role in his achievements.

What is Bazi Chart?

Bazi chart, also known as Four Pillars of Destiny, is a traditional Chinese method of divination that analyzes a person's life based on their birth date and time. It consists of four pillars, each representing a different aspect of life: year, month, day, and hour. Each pillar is associated with a specific element (wood, fire, earth, metal, or water) and animal sign.

Steve Jobs' Bazi Chart

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, at 6:15 AM in San Francisco, California. His Bazi chart is as follows:

Year: Wood Tiger

Month: Fire Dragon

Day: Earth Snake

Hour: Metal Horse

Analysis of Jobs' Bazi Chart

According to Bazi principles, Jobs' chart indicates a strong and ambitious personality. The Wood Tiger year pillar represents leadership, creativity, and a pioneering spirit. The Fire Dragon month pillar suggests intelligence, passion, and a desire for recognition. The Earth Snake day pillar symbolizes stability, determination, and a strong work ethic. The Metal Horse hour pillar adds elements of communication, networking, and a keen business sense.

Favorable Combinations

Jobs' Bazi chart contains several favorable combinations that are believed to have contributed to his success:

DragonSnake Combination: This combination is known as the "DragonSnake Alliance" and is considered auspicious for career and wealth. It indicates a strong partnership and support from others.

TigerHorse Combination: This combination represents a "Tiger Riding a Horse," which symbolizes ambition, drive, and the ability to overcome obstacles.

WoodFire Combination: This combination represents "Wood Nourishing Fire," which suggests that Jobs' creativity and passion were supported by his strong leadership skills.


Despite the favorable combinations, Jobs' Bazi chart also indicates some challenges:

Clash between Tiger and Snake: The Tiger and Snake are considered incompatible animals in Bazi, which can lead to conflicts and setbacks.

Lack of Water Element: The absence of the Water element in Jobs' chart suggests a potential lack of emotional balance and flexibility.


While it is difficult to definitively say whether Steve Jobs' Bazi chart directly influenced his success, it is undeniable that his chart contains several auspicious combinations that are associated with leadership, creativity, and wealth. However, it is important to note that Bazi is just one of many factors that may have contributed to Jobs' achievements. His hard work, dedication, and innovative ideas were undoubtedly the primary drivers of his success.


1. 劳伦娜·鲍威尔·乔布斯

乔布斯的妻子,自 1991 年结婚以来一直在一起。

斯坦福商学院 MBA,曾担任风险投资家。


2. 克里斯安·布伦南

乔布斯的大学女友,1978 年生下女儿丽莎。



3. 蒂娜·雷德西

乔布斯的长期伴侣,从 1982 年到 1986 年。

